
  • 10 Tips On How To Book A Flight

    Before you start searching for anything and read these tips on how to book a flight, you need to look up the restrictions of the country you’re planning on going to. It is your responsibility to check if you will be allowed as a visitor. Traveling has changed significantly since 2020 and we no longer take chances. In order to avoid unpleasant situations, money loss, and wasted time, just read carefully if you…

  • How To Handle A Long Flight

    Let’s admit it- as much as we like flying, sometimes we just can’t wait to get off the plane. Not because it’s so stressful to be on, but because the longer the flight is, the bigger the chance for us to get bored. Flights up to five and a half hours have never been a problem for me. I consider them short, so I don’t even bother to think about how…