Me, Myself, and My Travel Bug

I know you want to travel. A lot, all the time. I also know that sometimes planning takes so much time that you decide to embark without having an idea what to see. “Let’s just get there and we will figure it out”. We’ve all said it.

But is it the right decision? How many interesting things do we miss just because we didn’t check the map or make a plan in advance? Don’t miss nice places because you didn’t open a website or you didn’t check the working hours. Life is too short for missing opportunities.

There’s no doubt planning a vacation is hard- looking for airplane tickets and trying to get the best offer, booking the right hotel and struggling to stay on budget, finding a location close to what you want to see… And what do you even do when you get there? Where do you go?

Creating this platform is not just about gathering my memories and showing my experience. It’s also a way to show everyone who loves traveling that no destination is a dream destination! They all could become true! My goal is not to show where I’ve been, but to take more people where they want to be.

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I’ve been asked many times through the years if I had thought about creating something to combine my travels. I guess it was just so obvious for everyone around me that this is not only what makes me happy, but also what I am good at (a second of silence for this ad).

People who know me are aware that I’d rather go to a place I have never been to with my old sneakers, instead of walking around my hometown with a new pair of expensive shoes. I just prefer to spend my money on experiences and memories, not stuff. I’d rather do than have.

As a matter of fact, ADVENTULINA is a project that has been postponed a few times. Something I had started, then lost motivation and forgot about for a while. It’s been a rough journey since 2018. After many months of self-educating, collecting information, editing photos, writing posts, and tons of ideas, ADVENTULINA is finally a fact!

I want to take a moment and give a shout out to some friends and people I know and respect. Please check their businesses here and hopefully you will find something for yourself! Those links are not related to any commission received.

Submit an idea or let me know what you want to read about next!

I’ve got a crush on the world. Guilty.