3 Things To Know While Being Abroad

Sometimes there’s no time for a plan. We either decided to depart at last moment or our busy schedule didn’t allow us to make one. If you are in either of these situations- read the 3 things you should know when traveling abroad and maybe after all you’ll still come up with some kind of a plan.

1. I’m already here. What should I see and do first in a new country?

This is a question prior to your departure. If you want to see as much as possible you always look up the information in advance. Every town, city or place can offer many options, sometimes many more than you can cover for your stay. Make sure you are well prepared for the attractions you want to see- working hours, tickets, closed days, restrictions. At some places you can’t just go, buy a ticket and enter. Don’t miss opportunities to see something unique just because you didn’t check before you left your place.

However, let’s say you are one of those lucky people who go outside for dinner and end up in a different country (did you start dreaming too?). Let’s say you go somewhere without a plan and with no idea what to do. If you have internet access check top 5/top 10 of the place you are at, depending on the time you have. Decide which places you are interested in. Check if they are open and how to buy a ticket if needed. Find those places on the map and find a way to get there. If you see an information center close, take advantage and pick up some brochures, ask for recommendations.

Being at a new place without a plan can be overwhelming. You should know that without a plan you can’t really expect to see much and not everything is going to go smoothly. If possible, try to do at least this when in a new country without a plan: – try to visit at least three of top 5 places for this destination – check out some markets with authentic items and dip into the culture – try some traditional dishes. Those are the musts!

2. What to avoid doing in a new country?

Being in a new country is exciting but sometimes brings unpleasant moments as well. Going somewhere abroad can be a completely different experience than the one we are used to at home. It’s always useful to read a little bit about the culture and traditions of the country you’re going to travel to. You might be surprised how different some simple stuff will be. Some nationalities don’t tolerate any kind of public affection. Others expect you to huggle for their goods at the market. Some nationalities feel offended if you tip them. The list is long. If you don’t want to put yourself in an awkward situation or embarrass yourself- take the time to learn where you’re going. Try to:

  • avoid staring at people. It’s okay to take a look, normally tourists are interested in how locals look but you shouldn’t be impolite;
  • avoid talking to weird people, especially people on the street who try to sell you something or give you something for free. It’s never for free and once you pay attention they don’t leave you easily;
  • avoid going to unfriendly neighborhoods. Do your research in advance and make sure you won’t end up somewhere dangerous. Safety always comes first;
  • avoid taking out your wallet and counting cash in public or in front of a lot of people. Don’t attract attention with expensive possessions, not everyone will just admire them;
  • never leave your stuff unattended. Even if the place you are at looks safe- don’t take that risk. There’s nothing worse than losing something important while abroad.

3. How to learn more about the locals?

Learn a few words in the language spoken there. Use a short card with the most important sentences to practice and have on hand if needed. It’s educational and it’s fun. Useful phrases are “Hello”, “Please”, “Thank you”, “Excuse me”, “Yes/No”, “I don’t understand”, “I need help”. I bet it will only take a few hours to memorize them. Maybe use a translator.

If you are not shy and love interacting with people, if you like talking to strangers and don’t worry about your language skills, you must really enjoy traveling. The perfect way to know something about a country is to hear it from someone who lives there. I personally like to start a conversation with locals, this way I go out of my comfort zone, I practice my language and also learn about their life. It’s fun, it’s educational and it’s new. Most of the time the locals would enjoy it too. Some of them are really helpful and outgoing.

Find some events and experiences and dive into the culture of the country you’re visiting!

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“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

— Saint Augustine

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What are the things you avoid when traveling? Is there something you highly recommend? Let me know in the comments below!


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